Creating Equity for Women At Work

PROJECT: Report + Content Strategy | PUBLISHER: Built In

What can we do to mitigate inequity for women at work?

DELIVERABLES: Wrote 26-page white paper to answer that question, accompanied by an amplification and distribution strategy to extend reach, build community and generate qualified leads. 


Devised + Executed A “Surround-Sound” Audience Engagement Strategy

The Thinking

Jumping The Gate. It’s not enough to place a piece of cornerstone content behind a gate and expect results. My strategy surrounded the report with related content across media, driving engagement with a suite of articles, a newsletter, social media, infographics, a webinar I hosted and more.

No Insight Left Behind. Another pillar of the strategy: to repurpose elements from the report. I wrote articles from interview moments that would have otherwise been left on the cutting-room floor, transformed the webinar into Q&As and turned varied report components — pull quotes, stats, infographics — into social posts.

The Results

Lead Generation. The strategy exponentially increased touch points, driving more people to download the gated asset. And every download is a lead.

Ambassador Cultivation. By engaging the report’s interviewees in “surround sound” content, tagging them in social posts and giving them a bigger platform from which to develop their own professional brand, they became invested ambassadors. They promoted the report as “a must read,” while people in their networks lauded them for participating, commenting and reposting liberally.

Below: View Elements + Read Content

The Talent Byte

PROJECT: Branded Email Newsletter

Below: Background + Newsletter

Amplified Report With Fresh, Scannable E-Newsletter

This newsletter, the first of its kind for Built In, differs from the company’s previous email newsletters in that it centers on thought leadership, not promotional messaging. It has a distinctly “kicky” voice and is designed for skimming. Every component in the newsletter drove viewers to the cornerstone report.

  • Open rate: 35.77%

    Average open rate for tech: 19.29%.

  • Email open for longer than 8 seconds: 41%

    Indication that viewers did not just skim the content; they read it.

“Surround Sound” Content

PROJECT: Related Blog Articles

Below: Background + Articles

Wrapped Report In Related + Sharable Articles

Many of these related articles leverage insights from interviews that would have otherwise gone unused, allowing us to give the experts who shaped the report a bigger platform.

A Timeline: Women At Work

We’re still on the journey to achieve equity for women at work, but this timeline offers reasons to hope (as well as some harsh truths). It highlights outstanding women leaders and flashbulb moments in the history of women professionals.


What if there were no gender pay gap? Find out what that world would look like for women by clicking the link below.

Social Media

PROJECT: Repurposing Content For Social

Below: Engagement Examples

Creating Ambassadors

The social media strategy, which gave interviewees’ more exposure, repurposed and reframed content from the report, from visually interesting pull quotes to infographics and stats, designed by art director Shannon Duke. I also used social to promote their related articles. As a result, experts felt more invested and became ambassadors. The people in their networks also commented, engaged and reposted, as did their PR consultants, whom we tagged. This cast a wider net, driving prospects to the report and growing awareness of the robust thought leadership Built In offered.

“Overheard” On Social Media
Teresa Hopke, CEO, Talking Talent
This is a must read! I'm honored that the talented Tiffany Meyers included my voice in this important piece of work - "Creating Equity for Women at Work". Tiffany has an uncanny ability to take an important topic and make it easy to understand and digest and that is exactly what she's done with this report. Let's share far and wide so we can collectively work towards equity for women at work! #equitymatters #womenatwork